“The most challenging thing is to unlearn what we have already learned.”

We must fundamentally accept that the Complete Multi-dimensional, Multi-faceted Human Being must understand its relationship, and its true connection, to the SOURCE THAT IT BE.

It is our duty therefore, to systematically release all inner illusion and outward projection of limitation


to fully embrace a New-Paradigm, a New-Politics of Compassion, Wisdom, Love, Understanding, & Unity for ALL

The FeelingPath… Illuminated is a Process, an Experience, and our Loving Offering to you. It is RELIEF in times of turmoil and change… it is a Clear Understanding of Who You Are in relationship to ALL THAT IS.

The FeelingPath ILLUMINATED is the answer to your questions… the release from your fears, labels, and misconceptions about yourself and the world around you.

We have created the FeelingPath… Illuminated from our experience and our ongoing dedication and commitment to you. It is because we do everything that we do, that we stand so soundly in knowing that this CAN and WILL work for you as well!

We know that the only distance between you and your success, is your WILLINGNESS to do the necessary steps to achieve it! And we will be with you each step of the way 💕

This is for everyone seeking Higher Awareness… of themselves, of ALL THAT IS, and of how it all works in relationship to who you are; a deeper, fuller, more complete understanding of how we all create our own reality… how to actually be it, have it, do it.

The FeelingPath Experience is for everyone who is ready to RELEASE themselves from the programming and inner paradigms that make up the foundation of who you currently are… to reveal the true You you’ve always felt you were inside.

This is for you if you are ready to STEP OUT OF STRESS and constant self doubt…

This is for you if you truly love Life and want to create from a loving, new perspective… a perspective that includes magic, infinity, and an endless supply of possibilities.

This is for you if you’re finally ready to let all this ridiculousness go and welcome a brand new you… a brand new opportunity to be physical and fully present… in this here and now.

This is for you


🌿For more details and to begin your unique journey, and to recieve your FIRST GIFT… a copy of our ebook, the FeelingPath… ILLUMINATED and an invitation to the FeelingPath Experience visit us at  GiveUpPain.com  

Feeling Path TabletWe encourage you to share this with everyone you love, let’s grow this #waveoflove 💗


Kasia and Dan


Specializing in Stress, Anxiety and Trauma Awareness and Release

Vist us at GiveUpPain.com 🌈💕