

As emotion peaks and clouds the mind, I come to this place yet again to connect, or rather to reconnect with that part of myself that seems most out of reach when I feel this way. Here beneath this shimmering, golden canopy I can breath.

I have a favorite place, my sacred tree circle, made up of three, mature trees; a cedar, a pine and an old maple. The spot has been hit by lightening in two places at foot of the maple, leaving streaks of turquoise where another cedar had stood adjoined to the base.

I don’t remember what originally drew me here, but when I stepped into this sacred space something shifted inside me, and I knew I need not walk further.

So I stayed, and I’ve been coming back to this space for over a year, finding each time a new way to enjoy it, a new comfortable patch of earth to lay upon. There’s been times when, wrapped in a blanket I’ve fallen asleep here, sometimes in the snow, sometimes on leaves, but always feeling as though I was being cradled by loving arms. Even now this remains true, as I lay here in my striped fluffy blanket, the sky moving from white to blue as suddenly the sun breaks through the canopy above. Just now a red headed woodpecker landed above me, I can feel the tapping of its beak pulsing through the roots below me.
And there it is, that instant feeling of connection. In the act of sharing this place with you, I have activated within myself a great rush of love, as I begin to really appreciate the moment I am in.
The wind just burst through the forest, as though it’s trying to get somewhere and as it rushes past it sends a wave of leaves floating down on me.
I wish u could hear the sound, sometimes like a wave roaring through, and others like applause, a grand standing ovation as the trees dance wildly above me.

So I take a deep breath, or two, or three…or however many I need until I feel filled with this love. Until I feel ready, and steady within it, so that it imprints on my heart memory, like a photograph that I can go back to, time and time again as I decide, as I need to, as I move through my day.

With all my love & light

We are Love
We are Loved
We are One within this Love

Namaste and may your day be filled with light, love and many, many deep, steady breaths ❤

Kasia Kaminska UNA Lightweaver



I love you ❤
Thank you for visiting my page & please share, and leave your comments. I’d love to hear how you are moving through this wonderful ascension, this evolution that we are all currently on. Namaste 🙂